Having previously published two books of poetry, I am excited to have released a book of political commentary titled 'Best Not Talk About It - A coming out (red-pilled) story'.
If you would like a copy of this, my third book, please contact me on my listed email.
Below you will find the prologue of the book....
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The year was 2018 and I was living in Adelaide. I had just had it pop up in a newsfeed that the U.S. President at that time, Donald Trump, had delivered his annual State of the Union address. I had been growing more and more sceptical in my life of establishment media voices and their seeming ideological and financial incentives to misinform. These media voices had been bashing Trump every chance they could get. Yet, I had never actually managed to watch Trump in full flight. I had never managed to actually hear him complete an entire speech within full context. I thought, blow it, I have a long drive home after work and I’m finally going to have a listen to him.
So I proceeded to do just that and, after listening to Trump uninterrupted and in his own words, it became outrageously clear that not only were the majority of establishment mouth-pieces misinforming us about him, many appeared to be outright lying. The whole episode became, strangely enough, a pivotal moment for me.
Over the next three years, the world experienced race riots, a suspect U.S. election, brutally-enforced lockdowns and mandates for a yet-experimental vaccine. At every step of the way, multinational powerhouses, many national and state governments, and the majority of legacy media organisations did their best to twist and shape what otherwise would have been a broken narrative into something that can only be described as serving powerful interests and egos. I believe that many in the public are therefore being fooled, playing the role of foot soldiers for nefarious – or at best incompetent – actors.
But many are not being fooled. Many are having – I argue – their eyes opened. Some perhaps through the Trump phenomenon: the unambiguously hateful responses to Trump from either the ultra-woke normies or otherwise the centralised power brokers ultimately become impossible to take seriously. Some, on the other hand, have followed with unease the strange phenomenon of the Black Lives Matter movement sparking violent destruction of often even minority small businesses and communities, all the while receiving only praise from spheres of corporate, social and bureaucratic influence. Don’t forget, too, that BLM was strangely unique in its immunity from establishment-driven demonisation whenever it protested in the middle of this apparent pandemic. And then, of course, some have had their eyes opened, and been ultimately sickened by, the tyranny we are seeing play out under the guise of COVID-19.
This opening of our eyes – this ‘red-pilling’ – obviously isn’t operating under the exact parameters as I describe above. That is, for example, not everyone that doesn’t subscribe to the propaganda-narrative around COVID will also express sympathies for Trump. However, a general red-pilling is certainly happening. Perhaps recently this is especially the case due to the absurdities and human rights abuses around COVID. In any case, in light of all this, I wanted to capture what many like myself are going through, as we all enter a time in history that could go in many different and equally crucial directions. So as the veil began being pulled back, I started writing and recording my thoughts as they developed and evolved. I posted these would-be essays on Facebook over a period of twelve months and here, in this book, I share them with you.
This is also a story of becoming, which in truth began more as a personal story but by the second post had become generally more political in nature. It’s a coming-out story – a story of how my life significantly changed and how I couldn’t be quiet about it, no matter the consequences. I have lost friends but gained love. I have had terrible abuse hurled at me but have lost no sense of pride for who I am. I believe in what I say, and I wish to say it, particularly because I feel that we are at a crossroad and what I say needs to be said. The Western political landscape is devoid of character and the pioneer spirit, and is corrupted by what might be called cronyism at the top end and decadence and antipathy at the bottom end. Each feed into one another, and further into authoritarianism-cum-tyranny.
This book also desires to inspire and connect with others who have been on similar journeys or are starting their journeys out. It’s a reminder to you that you are not alone in this, despite how dark and isolating the circumstances may sometimes seem. There are many opening their eyes to what is currently going on in our world, even if they remain quiet about it for now.
What, really, does it mean to be red-pilled though? I actually think it’s a cringey term, but I think it’s equally useful so I freely use it. More than anything, to be red-pilled is to have your eyes opened in a certain way. It’s seeing through your shallow former education and its ideological prison bars painted in the colours of ‘acceptable’ academia, mass media and bureaucracy. Examples might be useful here. To begin at a basic level, perhaps it’s coming to the conclusion that the most damaging sexism today exists within the radical feminist movement. Perhaps it’s coming to the conclusion – after learning that Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot would only grant one on one interviews to journalists of colour – that the most overt racists today are actually the so-called anti-racists. It’s realising that those that talk of social justice have become some of the most authoritarian-minded people of our time. It’s seeing a pointlessness to the 2020 BLM-inspired street violence, which only served to precipitate a homicide wave that disproportionally effected black Americans. It’s also seeing why this fact might have been kept hush-hush during one of the most important U.S. Presidential election years in history. It’s understanding the implications of the attempted Democrat impeachment-coups against a duly-elected President in Donald Trump. It’s watching with horror as highly-effective early treatments for COVID-19 went censored or even banned across 2020, leading to the deaths of a great number of elderly people, as medical professionals such as Simone Gold and Paul E. Alexander have been outspoken about. It’s understanding that this occurred, at least in part, so as to allow vaccine companies to fast-track the release of a still-experimental vaccine that is now being mandated in many sectors at an even faster pace, with the whole episode making a mockery of the supposed idea that this was all about saving lives from the beginning.
Swallowing the red pill means a lot more, too. It’s watching with a sense of unease as those born male are allowed to compete in female sports. It’s being honest about the slide into the absurd for perhaps once great institutions such as the ABC. It is, really, a lot of things.
This book is also about mindset. It encourages you to ask questions about who we are as a people, particularly as a Western people. Do we know our history, or are we happy to centralise power at the drop of a hat when history and logic suggest the opposite should be done to move ourselves forward? Do we in fact worship government? Do we do so because we are fast losing the role of the father in the home and a sense of the divine within the community? Are we, then, perhaps following in some general ways the footsteps of many of the most destructive civilisational collapses in history?
And if so, then do we care enough? Moreover, do we care to investigate all sides of an issue, and to openly seek more perspectives instead of silencing ideas? Do we care to ask why a particular perspective might be becoming censored, and what history has to tell us about this? Do we care to be made uncomfortable in our learning? Or, on the contrary, will we simply pretend that certain people don’t exist? People such as Nobel Prize winner and virologist Luc Montagnier, who has called mass vaccination during the kind of outbreak we are supposedly seeing simply an unthinkable mistake that can only create variants. Will we be ok with Forbes deleting an article this year that was written by an education expert and asserted that forcing schoolchildren to wear face masks was causing psychological trauma for them? (Note that the article was deleted just as it started to go viral.) What’s more, will we simply ignore U.S. crime statistics such as the following: for every 10,000 black people arrested for violent crime, 3 are killed, but for every 10,000 white people arrested for violent crime, 4 are killed. Such a stat is reflective of many more similar ones, which begs the question: what exactly were those riots in 2020 all about? Further, are we ok with the Dan Andrews government in Victoria arresting and jailing Monica Smit around her opposition to lockdowns, then refusing her bail because she does not wish to shut down her political organisation Reignite Democracy Australia, which itself has an application before the electoral commission to become a political party?
Both culturally and bureaucratically, we are being overrun by the politics of resentment, whether it masquerades as identity politics, Antifa, state-wide shutdowns, brutally-enforced restrictions or inoculation passports. Throw in elements of environmentalism and the Me Too movement here as well. They often pretend to be about love, justice or safety, but are generally driven by such things as hatred, insecurity or power. They want to shut the young and healthy in their homes. They want to mask you up. They devolve into name-calling: you’re suddenly a bigot, an oppressor, an extremist or a science-denier. They charge at you with the full force of the mob. Ultimately, they engage in the behaviours they claim you yourself do, and further gaslight you when you stand up for yourself. And as we’ve seen in the overall backlash to the recent uprising for self-determination on the streets of Victoria, they can be the most vicious and manipulative psychological and even physical abusers.
Upon reading this book, some will disagree with me, some will agree with some of what I write, and some will agree with the lot. However, no matter your thoughts, I only ask that you let me speak. Likewise, I only ask that you let me decide what medical procedure I wish to have conducted on me, and that you certainly don’t encourage a government to coerce me into any particular procedure. I only ask that you respect my human rights. This collection of essays, then, is perhaps more than anything a call to recognise the importance of essential freedoms and liberties. We are slowly throwing these things away, and this may cause horror like nothing we have seen in our lives up to this point.
I hope you get something out of these essays, and I thank you.
Sept 2021