Sunday, 25 February 2018

Arrive, music

Arrive, music.
Come the songs,
come the dance of sound.

Arrive, music.
Come light the flame of nostalgia.
Come cut the logic to pieces,
music: the giggle of the soul.

You travel on the somersaults of children.
You’re delicate like the blinking eye

and come in chorus
and come in song.

Arrive, music.
Come join the dots between the spaces I forget;
come spill the colours out the lines.

Arrive, music.
Come show me how the universe appeared
at birth;
come show me how it cried
and how it held the thumb of God.

Arrive, music.
Come out from where you rest
in the water lapping up beside a raft
or in the meeting of bracelets on a wrist.

Do you hide in the corners of our lives
and pity us, music?
You grant us mercy when you

arrive, music
and wake us into dream.

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